Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our First Video

It started when Abdul is keen to make a video with his camera.Actually Abdul want to add his music to it(It is not that bad).So,I tried a concept which involves the life of a failure in iit.But people not interested with the concept.In our talks we came across a sad concept which is raised by Zakir.Actually it is not that good,it’s so boring.But it’s easy to make so we opted for it.

First day at the shoot:
I started writing dialogues for the saddest drama ever.First dialogue came from my pen after some effort and I understood how much hard it would be for dialogue writers of films.Then Zakir came to act for the first scene.The scene is role should think about his brother in hostel and calls him.Zakir acted like he's suffering from so many diseases and going to die in a day.Even that taken so many takes.At last we satisfied with the first scene.Actually in this drama both brother rolls are done by one and only actor we have in our group(Zakir).In the second scene also I written some worst sad dialogues according to scene and finished my job.It continued like that for 5 hours.It is a 4 min video and and one roll's scenes taken 5 hours.
It's same for the other brother in the next day.

The highlights of our drama:
1.The big brother is always sad even when he asks how are you.
2.All drama is taken place in only one room except one small scene
3.Big brother's room is one side of the room(Shareef's)and the other side of the room is small brother's which is chary's side.
4.Big brother room won't have a mattress on bed because Shareef bed is not present in the room and that helped us to show the big brother is poor.
5.For small brother we shown Chary's marks and desk to show he is wasting time and not doing well in academics.
6.In a scene to show small brother's friends I and Abdul are present.In that scene Abdul is the one who proposes bad ideas and I'm the one who studies more how funny?
7.In our drama not only both characters portrayed same Zakir in both brother's rooms you can see same colored curtains,same benches,same beds and same almirahs.
8.Zakir uses his formal shirts to show the poor big brother and wears t-shirts to show small brother.
9.In the first scene where both brothers will be on the scene we used Abdul as big brother and taken the shot from distance
You can find the video at the following link:.